By WebsiteCoordinator 05/02/23 0 comments
The changes for most people are just `Look and Feel`. Club Secretaries will be advised later of special features for them.
The `Leagues` tab provides access to the fixtures list for 2023.
By WebsiteCoordinator 13/04/22 0 comments
I am very proud and honoured to be the Stowmarket League President for 2022. I would firstly like to thank my club, Ixworth Bowls Club, for putting me forward as president. This is a position which is a little daunting for me, but one which I relish the opportunity of having
It is really nice to see bowls return to some normality, with the reintroduction of the Interleague, as well as Stowmarket League competitions, which of course means Stowmarket League Finals days. It will be a real honour for me to host these games in the coming season.
I am very much looking forward to meeting and greeting you all wherever I go, whether that be on or off the green. I will do my best to visit all affiliated clubs and promote the Stowmarket League wherever I can, however, due to being a working president, this may not always be possible. My Presidents Day this year will be held on Saturday 6th August.
As a younger president my aim is to promote bowls as a sport for younger people. I hope to see more youngsters taking up the sport in the coming years. That would be really nice to see.
The past few years have been unprecedented, but it is only by working together that we can become greater than the sum of our parts. Let's work together to make sure that 2022 is a bowls season to remember.
I wish you all the very best for a happy and healthy bowls season. Do take care and stay safe everyone.
President 2022, Matthew Smith
By WebsiteCoordinator 05/02/23 0 comments
Presidents Day will be on Saturday 6th August at Ixworth Bowls Club.