1. The League shall be called the Stowmarket & District Bowls League - hereafter referred to as the League. The League shall be managed by an Executive Committee - comprising a President, President Elect, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Match Secretary, Competition Secretary, Captain and Five representatives from affiliated clubs. Six members will constitute a quorum. Past Presidents will become members of a Past Presidents’ Association which will elect a representative to serve on the Executive Committee.
2. The Treasurer will be responsible for preparing Annual Accounts to present at the Annual General Meeting. An Auditor will be appointed at the A.G.M. each year.
3. The League shall be open to all Bowling Clubs within an approximate radius of 12 miles of Stowmarket. The Hon. Secretary will invite representatives from all affiliated clubs to the Annual General Meeting, but only two delegates from each club and Executive Committee members may vote.
4. All matches will be played under Suffolk County Bowls Association rules, excepting where they are in conflict with these rules, when these rules will apply. Male players must be affiliated to the S.C.B.A. and female players must be affiliated to the S.C.W.B.A. and also pay their S.C.B.A. Registration fees.
5. All members playing in league competitions must be separately registered for each league with the Match Secretary a minimum of one day before playing. When a Club has more than one team in a League, a separate registration sheet must be submitted for each team. Whichever team is in the highest division will be deemed the Senior Team and in a lower division, the Junior Team(s). A Junior team member may switch to the Senior Team but after playing 3 matches in the Senior Team he/she cannot revert to a Junior Team. A Senior team member, who has played less than 3 games in that team, can be switched to a junior team. “Switched” players must be registered before playing for their new team. If teams are in the same division, no switching of players will be permitted. If these rules are breached, the penalty will be the same as for an unregistered player.
6. Any Club having more than one team in a division shall play each other in the first game of each half of the league season.
7. Any club playing an unregistered player shall forfeit two league points. The match may be replayed at the discretion of the Executive and the unregistered player will be barred from playing in the replay.
8. In all matches played under league rules, club coloured shirts will be allowed, but if not wearing club shirts, white tops will be worn along with greys, i.e. as per the Standard County Dress rules.
9. All matches to be played in rinks and to be numbered and drawn for. Matches will commence at times to be decided that are aligned to the date of the match so that the match may be completed whilst there is good light, normally 6.30pm or 6.45pm. A late player may join his set at any stage of the match. Matches are to be played in accordance with the fixture list, unless otherwise mutually rearranged seven days previously by the clubs concerned and notified in writing to the Match Secretary.
If a player has to leave the green during a game through illness and is unable to return, he/she may be replaced by a substitute, at the discretion of both captains, providing that the substitute is correctly dressed and a registered player for the team concerned.
11. During match play, the lead and second players of both sets will remain at the bowling end until all their bowls are delivered. Skips are permitted to visit the head, (As per County Rule).
12. In the event of a green being considered to become unplayable, the decision to abandon is the responsibility of the two captains. In the case of dispute, the groundsman will decide. Any unfinished fixture in which 15 ends have been completed on all rinks (12 ends for 3 wood triples) will be regarded as a completed match and the result will be based on the completed ends played. If 15 ends (12 ends for 3 wood triples) have not been played on all rinks then the match will be regarded as a postponed fixture.
15. All clubs must complete all their home and away matches in league competitions. In the event of a team withdrawing from a league having played at least one match, points scored against that team will be deducted from the other teams involved. Any remaining fixtures against the defecting team are to be byes. All league fixtures are to be fulfilled.
16. The home club will be responsible for the match result being sent to the Match Secretary within 3 days of the match being played. Clubs not complying may be penalised by the committee.
17. Cups shall be held by the winning clubs for a period of 12 months and will be presented at the League’s Annual Dinner and Prize Giving. The clubs will be deemed responsible for their safe custody and for their return in good condition within two weeks of the end of the next season. The cups are the property of the League for as long as they are required for annual competition. Trophy winners will be expected to attend the Annual Prize Giving Function in order to collect their prizes.
18. An affiliation fee will be payable for each team and will be due before 31st of March each year. The amount of the fee will be announced at the A.G.M.
19. The Executive Committee of the League will meet and arrange fixtures and will deal with any infringement of these rules. They will have the power to order replays and also to deal with all matters not covered by these rules.
20. Any club wishing to appeal must do so in writing to the Hon. Secretary no later than 3 days after a decision or penalty has been applied.
21. The constitution of the League shall be decided at each A.G.M., and the sub-division of the League shall be such that no more than ten teams comprise any one division. Promotion and relegation will normally be on the basis of two up and two down except when it is necessary to adjust the number of teams in a division - when the following will apply:
22. The rules of the League shall only be altered or added to at the A.G.M. Any proposed alterations should reach the Hon. Secretary 21 days prior to the A.G.M.